Media and Photography Essex

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Troll Mode!

Do not be disheartened when others see your shine and try and ruin it! I seriously need to take my own advice. Today’s blog is inspired by a troll message on my business account. Luckily, I’m in a good mood today but I’m sure I’ll keep thinking back on it

What’s your troll coping mechanism?

I kept this in my drafts for months. I didn’t really know how to end it or what to say. But now I’ve had time to reflect, I feel a lot stronger.

I’ve received worse from friends or family! That’s ok because I’m stronger than them and you can be too.

I recently saw a post on Tik Tok where a mum told her son to put on his “I don’t give a shit vest.” And that really resonated with me.

Why do I care about people that have opinions on everything I do but don’t even know me?

Yeah get that negative energy away from your life. Put your vest on. Stand tall.