Memoirs Of A Labourer

I’m joining in on The Cotton Shop’s #imthemaker thread. As this topic of ‘In 5 years’ is such a thought provoking one for me.

In 2014 my fiancé gave me my birthday present early. We are utterly rubbish at keeping surprises for each other. You guessed it! He gave me my first professional camera. And it really was a case of all the gear no idea. But I had an excellent time snapping away on the ‘does everything for you’ mode.I like to think he saw something in me and thought my phone photos were good. 

I started Make Way Media/ Photography as a ‘business’ but essentially it was a hobby whilst I taught myself everything. I worked the first year absolutely free in my spare time. Many clients were happy about this. But alas, when you work for free, that is what is always expected... Not only is free work expected but the work I did produce was abused and so was I. 

I wasn’t as strong at upholding boundaries as I am now and let people walk all over me. My work was once used to promote a celebrity’s album. No one asked me. They just used it, which is actually against the law of copyright. Their manager was a real peach about it. (Sarcasm). The posts were removed but caused me many tears.

I’ve also had the misfortune of working with people who liked to send inappropriate messages and blur boundaries. I 100% nipped that in the bud but it does make me wonder how many other women he sent messages to. Does he still? I really hope not. By all means having a friendly working relationship is key! But I’d prefer to not be harassed. 

But still I persisted. Being ‘successful’ to me was all about being professional and doing a bloody good job whether I was paid or not.I had also retrained in marketing at this point. So I was wielding a camera regularly for my employed work also. I carried on along this path. Working for donations in my spare time and learning more about content, media, marketing and photography.

My previous retail background thoroughly prepared me for the vast range of customers I’d encounter. It’s all part of the learning experience! Fast forward a few years and I started to photograph newborns off the back of now being employed as a school photographer. The combination of long arse days and early mornings was a disaster for my business and free time. I basically slept a lot until school holidays. I’d then play catch up on life admin, websites, friends etc.

I was finding my feet, trying out every photography style/ type under the sun. I just wasn’t sure what I enjoyed more and I think a lot of us can relate to not really knowing what it is we are good at.

Unfortunately I had a few car accidents along the way and the last one made me worry my career was over. I was struggling to lift my kit months after it happened and having low key pain that worsened the more I did. So I moved back to marketing. Luckily, I still got to enjoy taking photos as part of the job

We got pregnant with our ambitious little 🐝 (takes after us both in that regard) and I started my last employed role at Dogs Trust Basildon.

One of the last photos I took at Dogs Trust. Hayley Tamaddon visiting and very kindly, raising awareness for all the pooches.

One of the last photos I took at Dogs Trust. Hayley Tamaddon visiting and very kindly, raising awareness for all the pooches.

The team there are absolutely fantastic and really picked up my confidence. I went on training courses I’d always dreamed of. Made life long friends and I thoroughly enjoyed the pooches! I’d hoped before I left that I may be able to return in a different role or one similar. However, getting to grips with being a new mum and birth recovery really took it out of me and I let the opportunity go.

And that was my light bulb moment 5 years later. I had kept putting off working for myself. I was so worried about not being good enough, about being judged, that I just worked behind the scenes and never showed it. I’ve now grown again as a person and realised that even when I’m trying to be; helpful, kind and honest, people judge me regardless. So I might as well make some money doing it! And by that, I mean enough to support my business and my family, rather than just covering my expenses. 

I’m now full circle making media, photography and content for other businesses. So when I look back, if someone said to me ‘In 5 years time, where will you be?’ I would never have dreamed of saying here I am! I work for myself. I make money. I am Make Way Mummy and proud! 

And most importantly. I know you can all do this too and more. Make Way with Me. 

Love Dani. X

P. S. All this was written whilst my daughter naps on me. Anything is possible.


Make Way Mummy Exposed


Are You Awake Too?